Le Cabaret Du Passé: Macabre

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, / Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; When I first met Spooksy DeLune, she was painted blue and surrounded by a media scrum. That may sound very strange to a lot of you. I, however, find myself writing shit like that […]

Kitty Nights:

Pour sex down the barrels of an old double Winchester then fire it out the window of a ’67 Chevy travelling at 120mph. No joke. The Vancouver Chinese Lion Dance Team: Miss Cherry OnTop: Manda Stroyer: Lola Frost: Miss Mia Rose and Dapper Dan (somewhere Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is laughing his genius head off): Calamity […]

Open House at The Vancouver Burlesque Centre

There is no greater feeling than when the buzz in a room is created by the combination of giddiness, pride, and the satisfaction of a job well done. Friday night I attended the opening party for the new Vancouver Burlesque Centre. The space is simple but it doesn’t need to be anything more than it […]

The Electro Swing Club at The Electric Owl Social Club

I can’t dance. I just can’t. A lot of my life is lived vicariously through the artistic energies of others, so why should swing dancing be any different? When I was invited out to the Electro Swing Club’s dance party at The Electric Owl last Thursday, I jumped (jived, and wailed?) at the chance. When […]

Halloween with The Night Owl[s]

The second night of my Autumnal Renaissance, the rediscovery of my Halloween spirit, came at The Night Owl Review. Nicky Ninedoors and the gang provided me with laughter, a tear, and three new favourite pictures to top the thousands I have snapped in the two years I’ve owned my current camera. “Oh shit… She has […]

My Mama Done Told Me: Nicky Ninedoors and The Night Owl Revue

When I “checked in” on Foursquare at The Electric Owl Social Club last night, I jokingly wrote, “Burlesque, jazz, and beer… If heaven existed, I think I just arrived.” A couple hours later, Nicky Ninedoors did a white fan dance, and when she flapped them up behind her back, she did look like an angel. I […]