My Mama Done Told Me: Nicky Ninedoors and The Night Owl Revue

When I “checked in” on Foursquare at The Electric Owl Social Club last night, I jokingly wrote, “Burlesque, jazz, and beer… If heaven existed, I think I just arrived.” A couple hours later, Nicky Ninedoors did a white fan dance, and when she flapped them up behind her back, she did look like an angel. I […]

How Much Is That Booty In The Window: An Afternoon Stopping Traffic At Scout

“…by watching her I began to think there was some skill involved in being a girl.” ~ Scout  (To Kill A Mockingbird) You can tell a lot about a person by their scotch tape dispenser. So it came as no surprise when I found this awesome little jewel behind the desk at Scout Boutique:  Specializing […]